Pogoism - painting with pogo sticks! from artstartgrant on Vimeo.
February 26, 2010
Nokia | The World’s Biggest Signpost
The World's Biggest Signpost from adghost on Vimeo.
Out Of A Forest
Out Of A Forest from Tobias Gundorff Boesen on Vimeo.
February 24, 2010
NRDC Action Fund | This is Our Moment
Concert visual design for David Guetta (Feat.Kelly Rowland)
A day in PARIS
A day in PARIS from Benoit MILLOT on Vimeo.
Réalisation / Benoît MILLOT // Images / Sébastien Jousse //
3D / Microbe studio // Production Tulipes & Cie //
Musique /Electric President "I'm Not The Lonely Son"//
Tournage / Canon 7D // 3D Maya + Maxwell
February 23, 2010
Royal Canadian Mint | A Moment in Every Coin
Google Maps Animation
Satellite Car Chase from Honest Directors on Vimeo.
February 22, 2010
When a man is witness to a murder and takes pictures of the killer, he has to run for his life. During the chase he is able to turn the tables and the prey becomes the hunter. All resulting in an unfortunate ending.
The film is designed and animated by: Kevin Megens, Floris Vos, Arno de Grijs, André Bergs
Music and sound design by Alex Debicki.
Script by Jan Eduards.
Produced by il Luster Productions.
Asics | Running Film
Asics Running Film from PostPanic on Vimeo.
Paper War
Papierkrieg from Makaio Tisu on Vimeo.
Woos by PetPunk
Design: Gediminas Šiaulys
Animation: Andrius Kirvela
Sound: Huma-Huma (www.huma-huma.com)
Commisioned by Computer Arts Magazine
Pirates Movie
PIRATES!!! "The Curse of the Evil Eye" from Rémy Tornior & Yves Geleyn on Vimeo.
Created & Directed by : Yves Geleyn & Remy Tornior
Music & Sound Design : François Montmayeur
Voices : Fons Schiedon, Henrik Kring, Laurent Nicolas, Paulo Muppet, Luciana Eguti, Pedro eboli, Antonio Linhares, William Iamazi Ferro.
1923 by Max Hattler
1923 (by Max Hattler) from Max Hattler on Vimeo.
1923 is one of two new animation loops directed by Max Hattler, inspired by the work of French outsider artist Augustin Lesage. 1923 is based on Lesage's painting 'A symbolic Composition of the Spiritual World' from 1923.
The second loop, 1925, is based on Lesage's painting 'A symbolic Composition of the Spiritual World' from 1925. It will be available soon.
The films were created during 5 days in February 2010 with animators and CG artists at The Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark.
Director: Max Hattler
Technical Director: David René Christensen
Sound: Blake Overgaard
Previz/Layout: Thorvaldur Gunnarsson
Modelling: Thorvaldur Gunnarsson, Arnold Bagasha, Blake Overgaard
Animation: Casper Michelsen, Mikkel Vedel, Thorvaldur Gunnarsson, Blake Overgaard, Arnold Bagasha
Produced by maxhattler.com & The Animation Workshop
Length: 1'50" loop
February 19, 2010
Rebranding the Swedish Armed Forces
Census "Living Mural" DK
Census "Living Mural" DK from Bryce Wymer on Vimeo.
February 18, 2010
SuperfLOW | The Unthinkable
superfLOW - The Unthinkable from Ian Clemmer on Vimeo.
Sony Ericsson | The Power of Co-Creation
DanseDance from Julien Vallée on Vimeo.
Each day, we are surrounded by seemingly insignificant objects, taking them from one place to the other, or leaving them on a table for weeks, without paying any attention to them. We ignore or forget them, using things only when we need to, making sure they don’t interfere or inhabit our space. But what if they were not so stable and subservient? What if they could swivel, bounce or even fly. And what if they did so all at the same time?
We want to imagine a place where objects could live and move, harmoniously, and of their own accord. Without interfering with each other these objects would bounce, roll, turn and cross each other’s paths.
This experiment is about re-discovering our daily surroundings.
This is the making of the interactive video that was originally made for If You Could Collaborate exhibition. Each object is assigned to a letter on the keyboard, and can be activated or deactivated at any time. The online version will be soon available to play with at dansedance.com
February 17, 2010
What Goes Up (The Desert)
What Goes Up (The Desert) from Patrick Lawler on Vimeo.
Cineflex | Fuglefjellet Aerial showreel

Noteput – Interactive music table from Jonas Heuer on Vimeo.
“Noteput” is an interactive music table with tangible notes, that combines all three senses of hearing, sight and touch to make learning the classical notation of music for children and pupils more easy and interesting.
February 16, 2010
Artvertising Berlin, Transmediale 2010
Vienna Tourism Conference 2009 Installations
Hirzberger Events | Digital Wallpaper
The Light of Life
The Light of Life from daihei shibata on Vimeo.
Director : Daihei Shibata
Piano : Naomi Yaguchi
Music : Debbusy "clair de lune"
Shinkansen.ver2 from daihei shibata on Vimeo.
Documentary Film "Salad Fanatix" by Funk Fanatix
Stop The Traffik | Don’t be Oblivious
February 15, 2010
Clavilux 2000 | Interactive instrument
Clavilux 2000 - Interactive instrument for generative music visualization from Jonas Heuer on Vimeo.
Digital Analogue
Digital Analogue from ftjelly on Vimeo.
NIKE | How quickly are you going to get up?
Human Chain from NikeSportswear on Vimeo.
February 13, 2010
February 12, 2010
Dan Meyer's 2009 Annual Report
Dan Meyer's 2009 Annual Report from Dan Meyer on Vimeo.
Google's Experimental Fiber Network
Future Technology 2010 | The year of technology invention
February 11, 2010
Galileo from Ghislain Avrillon on Vimeo.
Google Street View Snowmobile For Olympics!
February 10, 2010
Cars.com | Timothy Richman (Super Bowl 2010)
Vision Express | Expertise Eyeballs 2010
February 9, 2010
Madder Mortem | Where Dream & Day Collide
Seymourpowell Aircruise Concept
All about Johan Polhem!
Slurpee from Johan Polhem on Vimeo.
Pepsi Hit Refresh 02 from Johan Polhem on Vimeo.
Pepsi Hit Refresh 01 from Johan Polhem on Vimeo.
1800 Reverse 'Girls Room' TVC from Johan Polhem on Vimeo.
MTV Awards Teaser 3 from Johan Polhem on Vimeo.
MTV Awards Teaser 1 from Johan Polhem on Vimeo.
MTV Awards Teaser 2 from Johan Polhem on Vimeo.
MTV Awards Presents Pete Wentz from Johan Polhem on Vimeo.
Escape to TDK from Johan Polhem on Vimeo.
The Hills Season 6 Teaser from Johan Polhem on Vimeo.
Playboy Digital Campaign | Casting Session!
Puma by MIHARAYASUHIRO | 10th Anniversary Viral – Pumaneko
February 8, 2010
Meindbender Showreel 2010
Meindbender Showreel 2010 from Meindbender on Vimeo.
Nemo Opening 2010 by Matthieu Dufour
Nemo Opening 2010 from Matthieu Dufour on Vimeo.
AddLib - AppArt
addLib - AppArt from wowlab on Vimeo.
The Duplicators | Cartoon Network ID shortie
February 5, 2010
Fresh from VB RAW | Rawsche

In a purpose built speedshop, we stripped down a ‘78 Porsche and rebuilt it, taking it back to a bespoke raw classic. You can watch the whole thing online here: vbraw.com.au
The man behind the rebuild was Paul Begg. He’s an artist and designer whose default style is streamlining – knocking the corners off and getting back to organic roots. You can see some of his other stuff here: www.flowstudio.com.
The Rawsche was was recently given away to one lucky viewer who best displayed their allegiation to the Raw cause.
Thanks to Banksiaeffect.com