November 24, 2010

Djay for iPad

These iOS 4.2-specific features coming in djay for iPad include:

- Full access to iPod library
- Multi-tasking: you can run djay in Automix mode and listen to a continuous, seamless mix running in the background while you surf the web, play games, etc.
- AirPlay: you can wirelessly stream your mix to your Apple TV or AirPort Express station in real-time.
- Fully leverages accelerated CPU extensions (SSE-like) for high-quality audio processing and analysis
- Very low latency (< 3 msec)
- Background audio playback (multi-tasking support)
- Pre-Cueing (via mono/stereo adapter)

The iPad version is expected to be available in the App Store shortly after iOS 4.2 becomes available. iOS 4.2 is expected by the end of November and they've set up a teaser page to sign up for a notification of the release.


  1. very cool! think the concept works well for iPad. Nice find!

  2. yep, makes me want to buy the iPad. As a matter of fact I just might. :)
