July 9, 2009

РЕ}|{ИМ - Regime

РЕ}|{ИМ - Regime from George Hedon on Vimeo.

The word РЕЖИМ {Regime} could be translated in many different ways, however this logo stands for a time interval before dusk and dawn in Russian language. Signature ‘Good is a new average.’ sets a positive process in a viewer, by implying that the every day duel should be constructive and as such out of mediocracy bounds. Salvador Dali have said once: ‘Don’t be afraid of perfection, you will never reach it.’

РЕЖИМ installation is trying to present a multilayered meaning of dualism in a precise and contemporary manner. Therefore, one can say that dualism is life. We start from ourselves, but we end up with something or somebody else. REGIME is testing viewer’s perception and patience. The presentation is 27 minutes long. Audio was recorded on 18. May 2009. in Valencia on Las Fallas festival on the last and the longest night of fireworks at it’s peak, simply amazing to the viewer. Las Fallas festival has it’s own years long tradition and precise regime of organisation.

Thanks to: Luz Martin and Roel Hooiveld & iTunes.

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